Voting in Craftsbury
Craftsbury Town & School Meeting
Tuesday, March 5, 2025 starting 9am
at Craftsbury Academy Gym
Polls open 9am-7pm at Craftsbury Academy Gym for Town Elected Officials on Craftsbury Australian Ballot
Do you need a ride to and from Craftsbury Town & School Meeting?
Do you need childcare during Craftsbury Town & School Meeting?
Do you want to run for office as one of Craftsbury’s Town Elected officials? The Consent form deadline is Monday, January 27th along with a petition form including at least 11 registered voters.
Do you want to vote for Craftsbury’s Elected Town Officers by Absentee Ballot?
Starting February 12th, Absentee ballots for Town Elected officers will be available. The rest of the warning articles will be voted for on the floor at Town Meeting.Do you need to register to vote?
If you answer is yes to any of these questions,
call Michelle at the Craftsbury Town Clerk’s office (802) 586-2823,
email or just stop in at the Town Hall!
Craftsbury Elected Officers - Australian Ballot Voting in 2025
Please be advised that this year, voting for elected positions (excluding Town Moderator) will be determined by Australian Ballot voting, rather than from the floor on Town Meeting Day.
As a reminder, if you want to run for one of the elected offices listed below, your name will need to appear on the Australian Ballot in advance of Town Meeting (March 4, 2025). The deadline to complete the consent form and petition form with signatures and drop off at the Craftsbury Town Clerk’s office is Monday, January 27th.
Here are the available elected positions that will be voted on by Australian Ballot in 2025:
Auditors (3 year term) - incumbent is Cheryl Bailey
Auditors review local officials’ accounts and report their findings directly to the voters before the annual town meeting. They serve the critical role of presenting a comprehensive picture of the town’s finances and ensuring public officials remain accountable to the voters.Cemetery Commissioners (5 year term)-incumbent is Bruce Urie
Care and manage Craftsbury’s public cemeteries owned by the Town. Currently, the cemeteries in Craftsbury are not owned by the Town.
Listers (3 year term)-incumbent is Jeremiah McCann
Listers determine the value of the real and personal property in the town. The Selectboard then sets a tax rate necessary to raise the money to pay for town services and schools. The Craftsbury Board of Listers, like most Vermont towns, consists of three members. They are elected one position per year for three-year terms.Public Library Trustee (4 year term) - incumbent is Steve Moffatt
Elected Town Representative for the Craftsbury Public Library.
Selectboard (3 year term)-incumbent is Bruce Urie
The Selectboard is at the center of town government in Vermont, and Craftsbury is no exception. Craftsbury has a three-member Selectboard. Members are elected by Craftsbury voters at town meeting, for staggered three year term. The Selectboard is responsible for the general supervision of town affairs. It has a number of functions, including some that are legislative (enacts local, ordinances, regulations and policies), and others that are executive/administrative (prepares the budget, oversees all town expenditures, supervises town employees, and controls town buildings and property). It also does work that is quasi-judicial-for example, it determines private rights when the town is laying out and reclassifying town highways.Supervisor Lamoille Solid Waste District (2 year term) - incumbent is Penelope Doherty
Town representative on the Lamoille Solid Waste District Board.Town Clerk & Treasurer (3 year term) - incumbent is Michelle Warren
The Town Clerk & Treasurer plays a crucial role in local government, providing essential services to the community. These responsibilities include maintaining accurate records of land ownership, vital statistics, and election results. The office issues important documents such as birth, death, and marriage certificates, as well as marriage licenses and dog licenses. To ensure the preservation of these records, the Town Clerk & Treasurer is tasked with organizing, indexing, and storing them in compliance with state regulations.
The Town Clerk & Treasurer is also responsible for keeping the town's financial accounts, investing money received by the town (with the approval of the Selectboard), keeping a record of the taxes voted, and paying orders drawn on town accounts. They work with the auditors to settle town accounts prior to town meeting, and is often called upon to provide the Selectboard with financial information.Trustee of Public Funds (3 year term)- incumbent is Michelle Warren
Manage, invest, and report on real and personal property held in trust by the town, including cemetery trust funds.
Trustee of Public Funds (2 of a 3 year term)- incumbent is Carolyn Ryan
Manage, invest, and report on real and personal property held in trust by the town, including cemetery trust funds.WWII Memorial Trustees (3 year term)- incumbent is Ross Davis
Manages the WWII funds.
When: Tuesday November 5, 2024, 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Where: Craftsbury Town Hall, 85 South Craftsbury Road, Craftsbury, VT, USA
Polls will be open at the Craftsbury Town Hall for General Election Voting and Justice of the Peace Voting on Tuesday, November 5th from 9 AM - 7 PM, for those wishing to vote in person. PLEASE BRING YOUR BALLOT WITH YOU when you vote in person. We were given a very limited supply of extra ballots this year.
Registered voters who are voting at the Town Hall, will need to return their absentee ballot or complete the "Affidavit of No Ballot cast" form before they can vote.
Remember, No campaigning materials may be worn, or displayed inside the polling place, by poll workers, voters, or the general public. 17V.S.A2508(a)(1)(2). This means voters must remove or cover campaign buttons, hats, articles of clothing and other paraphernalia before coming in to vote. Coats should be kept on if a person is wearing a campaign shirt.
There is still time to send in your absentee ballots though!
If you plan to vote by absentee ballot, the deadline is fast approaching! Please fill out the ballot mailed to you by the State, put in the correct ballot envelope, fill out and sign the ballot envelope and mail back or drop off at the Town Clerk's office.
If Nov. 5th is less than a few weeks away, you need to drop off the absentee ballot at the Town Clerk's Office in person Tuesday-Friday 8:30 AM-4 PM or put in the outside ballot box, to make sure we receive on time and your vote is counted.
If you have any questions, call 586-2823 or email
Links: .
Official Results Primary Election for 8/13/2024 (finalized 8/15)
Information for Local Candidates
Petitions to run for local election in Craftsbury for the March 5 2024 Annual Meeting must be received in the clerk's office by 5:00 PM on January 29th.
Deadline: The filing deadline for petitions of nomination and this Consent of Candidate form is the sixth Monday preceding the day of the election, no later than 5 p.m.
To be a candidate for office use the following links:
TO RUN FOR ELECTED TOWN OR SCHOOL OFFICE (ONLY IF AUSTRALIAN BALLOT): download the consent of candidate form, fill out, sign and bring to the Town Clerk’s office by the deadline
.TO RUN FOR INDEPENDENT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: To become a independent party candidate for Justice of the Peace download consent form and signature page. The party caucus’ decide their party choices for the JPs.
How do I register to vote?
Register to vote in Vermont by:
1. Using our Online Voter Registration system, or
2. Submitting a voter registration form to the Craftsbury Town Clerk.
Visit the Registration page to find out everything you need to know to register to vote in Vermont and to download a voter registration form.
When completing your application, you must include your Vermont driver’s license number on the form. If you do not have a Vermont driver’s license number or if your license is suspended, include the last four digits of your Social Security number. Be sure to take the Voter’s Oath if you have never voted in Vermont (the Oath can be self-administered and is contained on the online and paper applications). Once your application is completed, you must submit the form to the town or city clerk in the town or city in which you reside.
You will be given an opportunity to register to vote or update your address when you register your car, get a driver’s license, or renew your registration or license with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). You will also be offered an opportunity to register whenever you apply for benefits from a designated agency in state government..
Am I eligible to vote in Vermont?
Any person may register to vote in the town of his or her residence who, on Election Day:
is a citizen of the United States;
is a resident of the state of Vermont (and a resident of the town in which you apply to be added to the checklist);
has taken, or has previously taken, the Voter’s Oath (formerly called the “Freeman’s Oath”); and
is 18 years of age or more.
Any person meeting the requirements above who will be 18 on or before the date of a general election may register and vote in the primary election immediately preceding that general election. See 17 V.S.A. § 2121.
For purposes of voter registration, the Vermont Statutes define residency as follows:
“Resident” shall mean a person who is domiciled in the town as evidenced by an intent to maintain a principal dwelling place in the town indefinitely and to return there if temporarily absent, coupled with an act or acts consistent with that intent. 17 V.S.A. § 2122(b).
How do I register to vote?
Register to vote in Vermont by:
1. Using our Online Voter Registration system, or
2. Submitting a voter registration form to the Craftsbury Town Clerk.
Visit the Registration page to find out everything you need to know to register to vote in Vermont and to download a voter registration form.
When completing your application, you must include your Vermont driver’s license number on the form. If you do not have a Vermont driver’s license number or if your license is suspended, include the last four digits of your Social Security number. Be sure to take the Voter’s Oath if you have never voted in Vermont (the Oath can be self-administered and is contained on the online and paper applications). Once your application is completed, you must submit the form to the town or city clerk in the town or city in which you reside.
You will be given an opportunity to register to vote or update your address when you register your car, get a driver’s license, or renew your registration or license with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). You will also be offered an opportunity to register whenever you apply for benefits from a designated agency in state government..
Am I eligible to vote in Vermont?
Any person may register to vote in the town of his or her residence who, on Election Day:
is a citizen of the United States;
is a resident of the state of Vermont (and a resident of the town in which you apply to be added to the checklist);
has taken, or has previously taken, the Voter’s Oath (formerly called the “Freeman’s Oath”); and
is 18 years of age or more.
Any person meeting the requirements above who will be 18 on or before the date of a general election may register and vote in the primary election immediately preceding that general election. See 17 V.S.A. § 2121.
For purposes of voter registration, the Vermont Statutes define residency as follows:
“Resident” shall mean a person who is domiciled in the town as evidenced by an intent to maintain a principal dwelling place in the town indefinitely and to return there if temporarily absent, coupled with an act or acts consistent with that intent. 17 V.S.A. § 2122(b).
How do I request an absentee (early) ballot?
Call the Town Clerks office at (802) 586-2823
Email your request to the the Town Clerk’s Office,
Visit you My Voter Page and submit your request online
Click here for an Absentee Ballot Request Form.