Vermont Tax Season Information
*** postponed as of 3/20/2020 ***
January 27: Official date the IRS and Vermont will begin accepting personal income tax returns
April 15: Due date for federal and Vermont personal income taxes, Homestead Declaration, Property Tax Credit, Renter Rebate, and Extension of Time to File
Report ALL income: The most common problem that holds up processing is when the taxpayer does not report all income earned for the tax year. Be sure to wait for all forms W-2 and 1099 before filing. These documents should arrive by January 31.
Double check your tax forms for accuracy: Sometimes the simplest mistakes (math errors or transposing numbers in a Social Security Number) or omissions (taxpayer didn’t sign the form) may delay your tax refund. Be sure to double-check your return before submitting it.
E-filing: The Department of Taxes encourages taxpayers to file their personal income taxes electronically using commercial software. In general, e-filing results in improved accuracy and faster refunds.
Free File: More than half of Vermonters were eligible to e-file their federal and state taxes for free last year, but only 5% of those eligible actually used Free File. Check out Free File at to see if you qualify to e-file for free.
Forms W-4 and W-4VT: Review and update your tax withholding on Form W-4 and W-4VT in January so your employer will withhold the correct amount of taxes from your paychecks.
Resources The Vermont Department of Taxes website is the best resource for Vermont taxes. The IRS provides a comprehensive website with federal forms, instructions, and more. Free e-filing is available through myVTax for your Homestead Declaration, Property Tax Credit Claim, Renter Rebate Claim, and Landlord Certificate. Free in-person tax help is available for qualifying taxpayers through IRS VITA/TCE, AARP, and the MyFreeTaxes Partnership. If you want paper tax forms/instructions or the Vermont Income Tax Return booklet for tax year 2019, download them for free from the Department’s website as fillable PDFs and print them, or you may order them (see below). Order tax forms or the Vermont Income Tax Return Booklet by 1) using the online form or 2) calling the forms hotline at (802) 828-2515 or (855) 297-5600 (toll-free in Vermont) or 3) emailing Include your name, mailing address, a daytime phone number, the form number and title, and quantity. If you order six or more forms/instructions in a calendar year, there is a fee of $1.00 per form and $3.00 per booklet. Find the status of your income tax return or check status of your Homestead Declaration. Find fact sheets, guides, and more on the Department’s website. Learn how to guard against identity theft and tax fraud and what to do if you become a victim.
Call the Taxpayer Services Call Center (802) 828-2865 or (866) 828-2865 (toll-free in Vermont) Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.