Craftsbury Town Government Information
Open Meeting Law
Open Meeting Law complaints directed to the Town of Craftsbury must be filed with Craftsbury Selectboard by email or to PO Box 55, Craftsbury, VT 05826
A person who knowingly and willfully violates the Open Meeting Law, or who knowingly and willfully violates the Open Meeting Law on behalf of or at the behest of a public body, or who knowingly and intentionally participates in the wrongful exclusion of any person or persons from any relevant meeting may be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable with a fine up to $500. 1 V.S.A. § 314(a).
Open Meeting Guidelines for Committees (1st version)
Elected Positions
Auditors (3 year term)
Auditors review local officials’ accounts and report their findings directly to the voters before the annual town meeting. They serve the critical role of presenting a comprehensive picture of the town’s finances and ensuring public officials remain accountable to the voters.
o Michael Waterhouse (2026)
o Craig Taylor (2027)
o Cheryl Bailey (2028)
Board of Abatement
Hears tax appeals from property owners. The Selectboard, Town Clerk, and the Justices of the Peace make up the board. Serving on the Board of Abatement is considered part of their official duties and is required.
Board of Civil Authority (BCA)
Governs elections, including setting dates, poll hours and counting ballots. The Selectboard, Town Clerk, and Justices of the Peace make up the BCA.
Cemetery Commissioners (5 year term)
Care and manage Craftsbury’s public cemeteries owned by the Town. Currently, the cemeteries in Craftsbury are not owned by the Town.
o Michael Martin (2026)
o Tom Boyle (2027)
o Bob Davis (2028)
o James Jones (2029)
o Bruce Urie (2030)
Justices of the Peace (2 year term)
Although historically Justices of the Peace performed important judicial functions in towns, the tasks of today's JPs are primarily: to administer oaths of office; to perform marriage ceremonies and civil unions; and to serve on the Board of Civil Authority.
The number of justices allocated to each town is apportioned to population; Craftsbury has five justices. Because the JP position used to involve great political influence, the nominating procedure is very different from that of other town officers. Justices are nominated for office at the September political party primaries in each even-numbered year. (Independent candidates may also have their names placed on the ballot by petition.) Justices are elected biennially on the first Tuesday in November.
Voted in general election 11/24, active starting 2/25
o Tim Fritz (2027)
o Harry Miller (2027)
o David Rowell (2027)
o Allison Van Akkeren (2027)
o John Zaber (2027)
Moderator (1 year term)
Runs and presides over town meetings, ensuring that the meetings are fair, efficient, and open to all participants. The moderator helps set the agenda and review ballot items, calls the meetings to order, and follows the rules of order established by the town.
o Jeannine Young (2027)
Public Library Trustee (4 year term)
Elected Town Representative for the Craftsbury Public Library.
o Jennifer “Jen” Linck(2027)
Listers (3 year term)-click here for more committee lister information
Listers determine the value of the real and personal property in the town. The Selectboard then sets a tax rate necessary to raise the money to pay for town services and schools. The Craftsbury Board of Listers, like most Vermont towns, consists of three members. They are elected one position per year for three-year terms. For more on listers' responsibilities, see "About Property Taxes."
o Tom Boyle (2026)
o Harry Miller (2027)
o Jeremiah McCann (2028)
Selectboard (3 year term)-click here for more Selectboard information
The Selectboard is at the center of town government in Vermont, and Craftsbury is no exception. Craftsbury has a three-member Selectboard. Members are elected by Craftsbury voters at town meeting, for staggered three year term. The Selectboard is responsible for the general supervision of town affairs. It has a number of functions, including some that are legislative (enacts local, ordinances, regulations and policies), and others that are executive/administrative (prepares the budget, oversees all town expenditures, supervises town employees, and controls town buildings and property). It also does work that is quasi-judicial-for example, it determines private rights when the town is laying out and reclassifying town highways.
Selectboard members want to hear from you. The sooner they hear from you about a problem, or the earlier in a decision-making process you offer your comments, the better it is for everyone. Selectboard members welcome questions, concerns or just chatting with Craftsbury citizens, and encourage you to contact them by phone, e-mail, or in person. (See Contacts sheet.)
Citizens are always welcome to attend Selectboard meetings. The agenda is posted at the Genny Store, Post Office and the Town Hall, or you can request one from the Selectboard. Selectboard meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall. To get a particular issue on the agenda, contact the Selectboard.
o James Jones (2026)
o Alison Blaney (2027)
o Bruce Urie (2028)
Supervisor Lamoille Solid Waste District (2 year term)
Town representative on the Lamoille Solid Waste District Board.
o Penelope Doherty (2027)
Town Clerk (3 year term) -click here for more Town Clerk information
The Town Clerk's office, located in Craftsbury Town Hall, is the hub of town activity. Not only does the Town Clerk nm Craftsbury's elections; this is where you go if you want to look at town records (land, birth, death, marriage, you name it), ask a question about local taxes, or license your dog. Many meeting notices are also posted at this office.
Vermont law entrusts the Town Clerk with an extraordinary list of duties, ranging from recording, preserving and certifying public documents to administering oaths of office, running the local elections, maintaining the grand list, issuing marriage licenses, and licensing animals.
The Town Clerk is elected at Town Meeting for a three year term. Craftsbury also has an Assistant Town Clerk, appointed by the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk is an independent official, answerable only to the voters. S/he may set the clerk's office hours.
o Michelle Warren (2028)
Town Treasurer (3 year term)
The Treasurer is elected at Town Meeting to a three-year term and is responsible for keeping the town's financial accounts, investing money received by the town (with the approval of the Selectboard), keeping a record of the taxes voted, and paying orders drawn on town accounts. The Treasurer works with the auditors to settle town accounts prior to town meeting, and is often called upon to provide the Selectboard with financial information. Voters may elect the same person to be both Clerk and Treasurer.
o Michelle Warren (2028)
Trustee of Public Funds (3 year term)
Manage, invest, and report on real and personal property held in trust by the town, including cemetery trust funds.
o Rudy Chase (2026)
o Carolyn Ryan (2027)
o Michelle Warren (2028)
WWII Memorial Trustees (3 year term)
Manages the WWII funds.
o Bruce Urie (2026)
o Michael Martin (2027)
o Ross Davis (2028)
Appointed Positions
911 Coordinators (1 year term)
The 9-1-1 coordinator acts as a bridge between your physical address and emergency services. They ensure your address information in the state's 9-1-1 database accurately reflects your actual location on maps. This accuracy is crucial for emergency responders to find you quickly in times of need.
o Alison Blaney (2026)
o Bruce Urie (2026)
Animal Control Officer (1 year term)
The Animal Control Officer addresses issues like noise disturbances caused by animals, large animals at large, dangerous or vicious dog incidents, reports of animal bites, investigations into animal cruelty and neglect, care for injured animals, and other related calls for assistance within the community.
o Abigail LeBeau (2026)
Constable (1 year term)
Provides part-time law enforcement for the Town, including traffic control and speed enforcement, welfare checks, serving civil notices, animal control services and other law enforcement needs.
o Eric Britton (2026)
Delinquent Tax Collector (1 year term)-click here for more T—tax information
It is the job of the Collector of Delinquent Taxes to notify taxpayers when their taxes are overdue, to make arrangements for late payments, or to take formal collection actions, including conducting tax sales of the property when necessary. This official must keep records of all delinquent accounts, and provide an accounting of them for the Town Report.
o Nicole Jones (2026)
Fence Viewer (1 year term)
Inspect or help resolve boundary disputes. Primarily a historical position with few duties today.
o James Jones (2026)
o Chris Masse (2026)
o Rob Strong (2026)
Fire Warden (1 year term)
The town Fire Warden is in charge of preventing and managing forest fires, which can be a serious threat in Vermont.
o Andrew Marckres (2026) (802) 279-5494 or
Green Up Chair (1 year term)
Organizer of Craftsbury’s Green Up Day.
o Suzanne Griffiths (2026)
Health Officer (1 year term)
Addresses public health and safety issues like contaminated water, dog bites, home burials, failing septic systems, unhealthy living conditions and mental health. The Health Officer can connect people with resources and resolve complaints.
o Tim Fritz (2026)
Inspector of Lumber and Wood (1 year term)
Help resolve disputes around the weight or measurement of lumber and Wood. Primarily a historical position with few duties today.
o Harry Miller (2025)
o Stuart LaPoint, Assistant (2025)
NEK Communications Union District (CUD) (1 year term)
Town representatives of the NEK Communiations Union District Board.
o Rudy Chase (2026)
o Katherine Sims (2026) alternate
o Brian Machesney (2026) alternate
Northeastern Vermont Development Association (NVDA) Representative (1 year term):
Town representatives on the NVDA Board.
o Farley Brown (2026)
o Rudy Chase (2026)
Road Commissioner (1 year term)-click here for road information
The Road Forman has the critical job of maintaining the town's highways, according to their classification specifications. This includes keeping the bridges and culverts in good repair, and seeing that the roads are properly graded, surfaced, graveled, and maintained for winter use. The Road Commissioner is appointed to a one-year term by the Selectboard in Craftsbury; by state law, this official has no independent authority to act, but can only carry out the orders of the Selectboard. The Road Commissioner oversees the road crew, and regularly reports to the Selectboard on the status of town roads. Reports include long-term planning for capital needs for the highway department, specific expenditures and road reclassifications.
o Steve Marckres
Select Board Clerk (1 year term)
Responsible for taking Select Board minutes.
o Victoria Hudson (2026)
Town Grand Juror (1 year term)
Provides and receives info on criminal offenses to State and local law enforcement. Historically, the position had the power to enforce, investigate and prosecute criminal misdemeanor laws. The position is mostly obsolete.
o Carol Maroni (2026)
Town Service Officer (1 year term)
The Town Service Officeris charged with assisting individuals within the town who require emergency food, fuel or shelter assistance, but only when the Vermont Department of Social Welfare is closed on weekends or after hours.
o Kris Coville (2026)
Tree Warden (1 year term)
Manages street trees and trees on town property and rights of way. Includes maintenance and plantings for shade and aesthetics, removal of diseased or dying trees, and controlling diseases or insects such as the emerald ash borer.
o Steve Moffatt (2026)
o Stuart LaPoint, Assistant (2026)
VT Emergency Management (1 year term)
Town representatives for VT Emergency Management
o Bruce Urie (2026)
o Rebecca Tatel (2026)
Antiques & Uniques Committee (1 year term)
Core committee that organizes Craftsbury’s Antiques & Unique festival in July, which brings over 100 vendors and 3,000 visitors to Craftsbury.
o Lise Erickson (2026), Co-Chair
o Don Houghton (2026)
o Jeannine Young (2026)
o Bruce Urie (2026)
Conservation Commission (4 year term)-click here for more committee information
Stewards of Craftsbury’s natural resources, including air, water, soils, scenic and recreational resources, plant and animal life, agricultural and forest lands, and open space. Responsibilities include advising the Select Board and other boards on conservation issues, conducting studies or inventories of natural resources, overseeing Craftsbury’s town forests and public lands, and educating the public.
o Farley Brown (2026)
o Ken Menard (2026)
o Nancy Milholland (2027)
o Molly Sease (2027)
o Liz Keglor (2028)
o Diane Morgan (2028)
o Colin Netzley, (2028), Chair
o Elinor Osborn (2029)
Energy Committee (3 year term)-click here for more committee information
Craftsbury Energy Committee’s mission is to lead and engage the community in energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy initiatives. We do this through education, advocacy, outreach, and partnering with neighbors and town groups. Among other programs, in 2023 we provided 23 area homes with 30 cords of firewood that they would not have been able to afford otherwise, and built 255 window inserts for 45 homes, saving an estimated 8 gallons of fuel oil-equivalent per window per year.
o Ned Houston
o Christina Finkelstein (2025)
o Lisa Sammet (2026)
o Kevin Gregoire, Chair (2026)
o Bill Day (2026)
o Craig Taylor (2027)
o James Milholland (2027)
o Alan Turnbull (2028)
o Seth Bond (2028)
Freedom and Unity Committee:
o Susan Houston(2026)
o Bru Mille (2026)
o Wendy Turnbull (2026)
o Jeannine Young (2026)
o Daniel Solomon, Liaison
Mental Health Resource Group (1 year term)-click here for more committee information
The Craftsbury Mental Health Resource Group is a community effort formed after a local tragedy. Their mission is to provide support, resources, and open conversation about mental health in Craftsbury.
o Pastor Kim Larose (2026)
o Lisa-Anne Loucka (2026)
o Nancy Milholland (2026)
o Sharon Moffatt (2026)
o Monique Reil (2026)
o Michelle Warren, Co-Chair (2026)
o Steve Whelpey (2026)
Municipal Forest Committee (3 year term)-click here for more committee information
Craftsbury’s Municipal Forest Committee mission is to gain a broader understanding of its forest resources.
o Stuart LaPoint (2026)
o Robert Linck (2026) , Chair
o Michel Renaud (2026)
o Barbara Alexander (2027)
o Ann Ingerson (2027)
o Logan Jones (2027)
o Ben Alexander (2028)
o James Jones (2028)
o Jane Solomon (2028)
o Rob Libby, liaison
Neighbor to Neighbor (3 year term)-click here for more committee information
Official town task force with the mission of aiding and supporting the community during times of distress.
o Tim Fritz (2026)
o Kris Coville, Chair (2026)
o Jen Cornelius (2026)
o Penelope Doherty (2027)
o Kit Basom (2027)
o Paige Hartsell (2027)
o Maddox Wilson (2027)
o Deborah McKinley (2028)
o Jamie Milholland (2028)
o Nathalie Jonas (2028)
o Pastor Kim Larose (2028)
Planning Commission (3 year term)-click here for more committee information
Creates a town plan every five years, including strategies and plans for future land use, transportation and housing, energy efficiency, and protection of natural resources and local character.Advises other town boards and officials on matters of land development, conservation, and preservation, and participates in regional planning efforts.
o Ross Davis (2026)
o Logan Jones (2026)
o David Rowell (2026)
o Reed Holden (2026)
o Farley Brown, Chair (2027)
o Rudy Chase, Vice Chair (2027)
o Gordon Waterhouse, Floodplain Admin. (2027)
o David Koschak (2028)
o Lucas Schulz (2028)
Recreation Committee (1 year term)-click here for more committee information
Organizes Craftsbury Old Home Day, Holiday Parade, Trick or Trunk plus other events such as bike night and open gym.
o Angel Baraw (2026)
o Molly Ciecierski (2026)
o Anne Hanson (2026)
o Barb Strong (2026)
o Francinne Valcour (2026)
Trails Committee -click here for more committee information
Craftsbury Trails is a volunteer-driven collaboration working to make trail-based outdoor recreation more accessible to all. Craftsbury public officials, businesses, outdoor recreation organizations/non-profits and citizens who love the outdoors work together under the Craftsbury Trails umbrella. Visit the Craftsbury Trails website for more information about the program and where to walk, run, bike, ski and snow machine in Craftsbury.
o Gina Campoli (2026)
o Matt Krebs (2026)
o Oliver Burruss (2026)
War Memorial Committee (1 year term)
Handles the War Memorials on the Common.
o Eric Britton (2026)
o Ross Davis (2026)
o Michael Morrison (2026)
o John Zaber (2026)
Website Committee (1 year term)-click here for more committee information
Updates the Town website and facebook page.
o Victoria Hudson (2026)
o Donald Houghton (2027)
o Michelle Warren, Chair (2028)