Online Land Records

  • To view Volumes 1-38 index, for free (click here for pdf)
    This is a 328 page pdf, ranging from 1789 to 1986!

  • To view Volume 39-60 index for free (click here for google sheet view)
    This still needs date and document type added. It’s from 1987 to 2004
    This had been done much earlier, each page is a tif.

    To view Volumes 61-77 index for free (click here for pdf)
    This is an 87 page pdf, ranging from 2005 to 2022.

  • To view Volumes 78 and later index for free (click here for google sheet view)
    We still need to scan the images in these 2 volumes.

You can press CTRL & F to find a name in the above PDFs/google sheets. Once you find the correct information in the Index, write down the appropriate book and page number. Once in the appropriate volume/book folder, the file name lists the volume/book and page number(s).

To view the Books online, you need to purchase the one week and wait up to 24 hours to permission to view the Dropbox folders. Each book/volume has it’s own folder. Note: We ask that you only download/print applicable files

The books are categories in 4 sections, as noted above (depending how they were scanned). Then, you will be sent a link to view the dropbox files in the online Dropbox folders for one week. The indexes lets you know which books and page number.

We also have some survey maps (not all of them, but most of them) available in the survey map folder. We also have attached Wayne Mutrux’s survey index for reference for those that have paid.

We are currently in Book 79, in which both Volume 78 & 79 are not scanned yet. If you need additional pages, not available online, please email us at We are also working on editing the indexes from Volumes 39-60.