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2019 COC Forestry and Conservation Seminar Series: Changes in the Forests and Fields Around Us – a deep dive into the phenology and ever-changing world of the Black River Watershed.
Tuesday May 21 st at 7:30PM: Spring wildflowers and the changes in our plants during late spring o Liz Thompson (Vermont Land Trust) – Each spring, before the hardwood leaves emerge, the flush of spring light to the forest floor allows for a very short, yet incredible display of ephemeral wildflowers.
Come learn more about the species of wildflowers and other interesting plants in our area, where to look for them, and what you can expect to find in the forests in late spring.
For a complete list of the 2019 talks contact Jared Nunery (jared.nunery@vermont.gov) or visit the Craftsbury Outdoor Center's website.