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Notice of Public Hearing
The Town of Craftsbury is considering making application to the State of Vermont for a Planning Grant under the Vermont Community Development Program. A public hearing will be held at the Craftsbury Town Hall on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 5:00 P.M. to obtain the views of citizens on community development, to furnish information concerning the amount of funds available and the range of community development activities that may be undertaken under this program, the impact to any historic and archaeological resources that may be affected by the proposed project, and to give affected citizens the opportunity to examine the proposed statement of projected use of these funds. The proposal is to apply for $60,000 in VCDP Funds which will be used to accomplish the following activities: Evaluation of Building Sites and Preliminary Engineering for Expansion of Craftsbury Saplings
Copies of the proposed application are available at Craftsbury Town Hall, 85 South Craftsbury Road, Craftsbury, VT 05826 and may be viewed during the hours of 8:30-4:00 on Tuesday through Friday. Should you require any special accommodations, please contact Michelle Warren at (802) 586-2823 to ensure appropriate accommodations are made. For the hearing impaired please call (TTY) # 1-800-253-0191.