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Craftsbury Mental Health Group via zoom

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to participate via zoom, please contact Michelle Warren at


1. Updating our booklet - if you have an ‘assignment’ from Michelle, please send in your updates! This booklet continues to be a valuable resource for our communities.

2. How do we support people as we all emerge from the Covid Isolation?

Today the Governor outlined a four-phase plan for reopening, with an end goal of fully reopening July 4. This is all contingent upon the % of Vermonters who have been vaccinated, so the dates are not set in stone. I’m wondering if emerging from the isolation of Covid will be more difficult emotionally than many of us are prepared for. We will not return to the way things were - because we’re all different now. There will definitely be the next new normal. How can our group help?

3. Discussion on the advantages/disadvantages of being a Town Committee.

4.Mental Health and Substance Use Workshop sponsored by the Vermont Community Leadership Network:

Even as the weather warms, vaccinations continue, and we begin feel other rays of hope, most of us are still reeling in one way or another from this traumatic year. In our next workshop on April 13th at 10:00am, Local Approaches to Promote Mental Health & Tackle Substance Misuse, we're hoping to come together to discuss the many challenging effects this pandemic has had on all of us, and ways we can work to foster and support collective well-being. We'll hear stories and strategies from local volunteers and professionals in this arena--from Swanton Enhancement Project, Turning Point of Windham County, Greater Falls Connections, & Farm First--and as always we'll have an opportunity to workshop and share our own experiences. This is a difficult topic, one that touches all of us, and so as always we'll strive to offer a space for the vulnerability and authenticity that are paramount to this work. Here’s the link to register.

5.The UVM Center for Biomedical Innovation Mobile Health Van team asked for help to distribute their community survey to find out what need there might be for a mobile health van in the NEK. Could you complete the survey and share the survey link with others to widen their distribution in the NEK? This survey is for anyone living in the NEK. Please share widely.

Would you go to a Mobile Health Van in the NEK if it were available? Please take this short survey from the Center for Biomedical Innovation at the University of Vermont:

6. Nami School Presentation:

Earlier Event: May 13
Majors Cub Game on the Common