March 30, 4pm Book Discussion of Democracy Awakening
The Craftsbury Public Library is hosting a discussion of the book Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson. Led by Heidi Krantz, the discussion will take place on Sunday, March 30 at 4pm at the library. Copies of the book are now available to borrow. Democracy Awakening is described by the publisher: “With remarkable clarity and the same accessible voice that brings millions to her newsletter, Letters from an American, Richardson wrangles a chaotic news feed into a story that pivots effortlessly from the Founders to the abolitionists to Nixon to the January 6 insurrection. An essential read for anyone concerned about the state of America, Democracy Awakening is more than a history book; it’s a call to action. Richardson reminds us that democracy requires constant vigilance and participation from all of us, showing how we, as a nation, can take the lessons of the past to secure a more just and equitable future.”