Land Ethic: a Library Series led by Jared Nunery
"A land ethic changes the role of Homosapiens from conqueror of the land-community to plain member and citizen of it.” -Aldo Leopold, The Land Ethic, 1949
Explore the Land Ethic concept with a series of events at the Craftsbury Public Library and John W. Simpson Memorial Library this spring and summer. The Craftsbury Public Library will be hosting a monthly reading discussion based on topics from the Land Ethic Library (learn more at The Simpson Library will be hosting field walks designed to tie in to phenological events and the Land Ethic readings.
Reading discussions will take place on the second Thursday of the month, beginning on April 14 at 6pm. Organizers are currently working with the local woodcock population to find a time that is convenient for them to put on a display for the walkers. Stay tuned!
For more information, contact the Craftsbury Library at 586-9683 or the Simpson Library at 586-9692.