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Selectboard Meeting at TH

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Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 7 PM at Craftsbury Town Hall

To participate via zoom, please email Michelle Warren at by 6 PM 4/20/21 or sign up online


  • Action - Adjustments/Changes to Agenda

  • Action  - Approve of Minutes  

  • Action  - Weight Permits Signed - Resource Management Inc. ,& Kelley-View Farm Inc.

  • Action - Approval & Review of the Water District #2 Map - Tim Patterson

  • Action  - Approve Little League Account Through the Town

  • Action  - Sign Updated Emergency  Plan (LEOP)  

  • Action  - Approve & Sign Liquor Licenses for Craftsbury Outdoor Center

  • Action  - Decide on “Bulky Day” Specifics - Penelope Update from LRSWMD 

  • Action  - Approve Draft of Open Meeting Law Synopsis for committees/commissions 

  • Action  - Sign Town Common Permit Request from Fran Rowell, Craftsbury Chamber Players & April Royan, Craftsbury Little League

  • Action  - Review and Fill out MRGP Amendment Form- Road Erosion Inventory (REI)

  • Action  - Committee Appointments:

    • Conservation Commission Replacement 

    • NEK CUD Rep Reappointment   

  • Discuss/Action  - Village Land Discussion and Possible Decision- Update from Farley Brown, Planning Commission

  • Discuss - Presentation from Lamoille Area Health & Human Services Response Command Center-Emily Rosenbaum

  • Discuss-Hazard Mitigation Plan Team Discussion- The Planning Commission would like to participate. Farley and Rudy will be present.

  • Discuss- Community Development Coordinator (Opportunities Position)-
    Planning Commission voiced opinion that our town needs this position.

  • Discuss-American Rescue Plan Act Allocation Funds (percentage of county allocation will come to towns-depending on town population)

  • Discuss - Hardwick Police Department

  • Committee Reports

    • Invitation to attend Planning Commission Meeting May 13 as Ted Brady from VLCT will be speaking 

  • Clerk Report

  • Road Foreman’s Report 

  • Other Business & Walk-ins that have business to come before the Select Board 

    • Information -Review VTrans Bicycle & Pedestrian Grant Program

    • Information - Managing Conflicts of Interest Seminar- VLCT

  • Adjourn

Later Event: May 1
Green Up Day