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Selectboard Meeting at TH

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Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 7 PM at Craftsbury Town Hall

To participate via zoom, please email Michelle Warren at by 6 PM 4/6/21 or sign up online
Please note that the meeting will be recorded and available online.


  • Approval of Minutes  

  • Weight Permits Signed - Dale Percy,  Vaillancourt Transport, Waterbury AmeriGas, Fred’s, Scott Brown Trucking, Packard Fuels, Dana Sweet Trucking, and Fred Vance

  • American Rescue Plan Act Allocation Funds (percentage of county allocation will come to towns-depending on town population)

  • Letter of Support for Sterling College Simpson Hall Renovation

  • Community Development Coordinator (Opportunities Position)

  • Emergency  plan (LEOP) update

  • “Bulky Day” June 5

  • Vtrans-Annual Highway Admin Visit Recap

  • Renew Zoom Account

  • BCN - Services Proposal

  • VT Digger-Request Story about Mud Season

  • Lamoille Area Health & Human Services Response Command Center Letter

  • Kingdom Fiber Outage Letter

  • Vermont Rural Fire Protection Task Force postcard

  • BlackBird License Renewal

  • Tools for Open Meetings Act Compliance? - Penelope
    (Review of Open Meeting regulations during and after covid)

  • Grant submitted: Wellness Center/SterlingCollege/Saplings/Food Share/PO letter of support

  • National Guard on Common April 10th

  • Plowing Issue

  • Culvert Issue 

  • Craftsbury Outdoor Center Running Event August 21, 2021

  • Committee Appointments

  • 2 War World Memorial Committee Replacements
    Green Up Day Coordinator Replacement -Suzanne Griffiths accepted
    Conservation Commission Replacement 
    Selectboard, choose chair

  • Stark Biddle declined the Road Safety Committee (letter received)

  • Village Improvement Concerts permit form, 6-8 PM per Harry Miller

    • June 27 Radio Rangers

    • July 18 Beg, Steal or Borrow

    • August 8th.  Mango Jam

    • August 22nd VT Bluegrass Pioneers 

  • Land Discussion

  • Committee Reports

    • Conservation Commission hosted Jens Hilke from F&W who presented on Act 171 (wildlife connectivity and large forest blocks) which needs to be addressed in next version of the town plan. Parcelization is next big issue for our town.

    • Planning Commission did not receive the grant, debriefing, looking to MPG

    • Energy Committee is deep into the firewood project and also just received the go-ahead for the Window Dresser Project this year

  • Road Foreman’s Report 

  • Clerk Report 

  • Walk-ins that have business to come before the Select Board 

  • Other Business

