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Peace Vigil at UCC

  • United Church of Craftsbury 7 Church Lane Craftsbury Common, VT 05827 (map)

Peace Vigil

You are cordially invited to the United Church of Craftsbury (the Church on the Common) for a peace vigil: a time of personal prayer, reflection, grieving, and meditation on the situation in Ukraine and in other troubled parts of the world. The church will be open, heat and lights on, on Wednesday, March 23, from 3pm until 7pm. Come for four minutes or fou`r hours, or anything in between - whatever your schedule allows and your heart desires. Come as you are, no need for "Sunday Best." There is plenty of room for social distancing, so there will not be any crowding together. Some church folks will be there if you need direction to bathroom facilities or any other support. We welcome the opportunity to share our time and our warm, cozy space with those experiencing distress at the events occurring in Ukraine and anywhere there is violence against our brothers and sisters in our human family. All are welcome!


Earlier Event: March 22
Select Board Meeting at Town Hall
Later Event: March 24
Food Share at UCC (