April 13, 2:00 pm - Tree ID - Bruce Lindwall - Simpson Memorial Library in East Craftsbury: This will be a beginner class in tree identification. If you can’t tell an oak from a birch from a maple then this class is for you. During the class we will identify perhaps a dozen different tree species. But our main focus will be on the process of how to build your identification skills. We’ll look at twigs and bark and buds and branching patterns to help develop an eye for the differences that lead us to identification. It will be a beginner class but it will not be specifically a class for children. However, children are certainly welcome. If your young person is happy to learn along with a group of adults for a couple of hours then feel free to have them join the group.
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Earlier Event: April 13
CraftFit at COC
Later Event: April 13
Intro to Brewing at Sterling College