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Energy Committee Meeting via zoom

Email Kevin for a Zoom link

 1/20/22, 7 pm, Craftsbury Energy Committee Zoom Meeting Agenda

   Public invited, ask for Zoom Link at

- Town Hall / Town Clerk’s Office Weatherization / Town Hall Drainage

    - Foaming of Town Hall Basement a “go”, mostly

- Estimates uncertain in long run 

- Timing of Foam application dependant upon watching drainage on North

side in the spring or with heavy rain.

- Plan to include cost in Town Hall repairs budget, not line item to vote on. 

   - Insulation around hot water pipes and heat vents in the basement


- Solar Array on Town Garage - Concerns about:

- Original proposal Main Garage Roof, 5/12 pitch holding snow load

    - Cost replacement of rusting roof panels  - Expense for trenching & potential new meter

- Potential Transformer and 3 phase power upgrade  

 - 17 - 19 year payback

- Open to potential ground-mount array on private land or otherwise


- Micro Grid update


- Window Insert sign-ups for 2022 Program:  

-Below Zero Temp good for sign-ups! 11 Households Committed / 4 interested

- Number of inserts wanted by the 11 households is still a question

- 7 out of town households interested - Albany, Greensboro, Irasburg, Wolcott, Westfield,


- Marketing: Door-to-door?, Table at Recycle with display? Genny Porch? Food Shelf, FPF 

- Albany, Greensboro potential programs:  

- Household vaccination status shared?

- Greensboro has asked us to assist with Supervising their potential Workshop in Greensboro

- Nurture potential programs in other towns by allowing one initiative-taking homeowner to 

order inserts?

- Local Energy Committees looking into Workshop Volunteers  

       - From Banks, Real Estate agencies, Churches, Colleges, etc.

- Members from neighboring Energy Committees available to help at workshops

- Efficincy Vt’s Better Buildings By Design annual in-person conference,  Moved to 4/27 - 28

   There is discounted registration fee for Energy Committee members

- Next Craftsbury Energy Committee meeting: Thursday, 2/17/22 - 7 pm.


Town of Craftsbury is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Energy Committee Meeting
Time: Jan 20, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 823 5527 0126
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Earlier Event: January 20
Food Share at UCC
Later Event: January 24
Conservation Committee Meeting